Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Went camping over Labor Day weekend. Spent the weekend at
Suttle Lake in Central Oregon. Just about 3 miles away a pretty good sized wildfire was burning. The effect on us wasn't too great, although in the morning the smoke settled down over the lake and you could smell it. It did give the sky an erie look at times, depending on the direction of the wind. We were pretty lucky, the fire didn't threaten us, but down the road at the Black Butte Resort the folks over there had to evacuate.


Eric E. Nagel said...

The smoke looks fierce. I'm glad that you all weren't in any immediate danger with the wild fire looming around Black Butte. I'll be posting pictures from Olympic National Park very soon...

Catherine said...

Beautiful photo's , The color of that sky is awesome,~ is that because of the fire..?
Look's like a breath takingly beautiful place!

Thanks for sharing your great shots!

don said...

I have to tell you that I'm so sick of the forest fires in Montana that I can't wait for the clean air of winter. Most of the big fires in Montana have burned themselves out now for the most part, but it has been hell. I got tired of taking pictures of forest fire smoke and very tired of breathing it in.

photowannabe said...

So many fires in many states. We had a huge one in the next county. Smoke so thick we never saw the sky today.
Great photojournalism.

MMM said...

Wowzers. Amazing shots. Looks beautiful but scary!

Memories Catcher said...

Beautiful photos!I like the views.Good colors and light.Well done!

Spencer said...

Hey Ted,
As always I am eternally jealous of
your skill my friend. These are so clear. I really enjoy your work.
