Thursday, July 06, 2006

Happy 4th

Ok these are from the 3rd, and a couple days late, but work and all that other stuff has kept me from posting sooner. We did family fireworks out to the farm because Uncle E would be there, and it just sounded like fun. The family fireworks, the stuff from the stands has always been my favorite, as opposed to going and seeing a big fireworks show, we always did our own growing up. The 4th was always a great night. We were going to go see a big firework show on the 4th, but we were a little too tired so we staid home, the boys protested, but not too much. I kinda wanted to go so I could get a couple shots of the big ones to post, but these will work.


Brian Mc said...

Man, I see a cool Christmas card in the top one! Fun night, yeah!!!

Eric E. Nagel said...

Hey Bro -
I like the homegrown firworks as well.